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时间:2021-10-18 11:36:38 来源:网友投稿

 江苏省南京市 2019-2020 年下学期七年级英语期中试卷分类汇编 短文填空 江苏省南京市郑和外校 2019-2020 学年七年级下学期期中英语试题 首字母填空 Are there any animals that can return to their youth (青年时期)? There is one in the animal kingdom. It is the animal c___66___ the immortal jellyfish ( 永 生 水 母 ). Do you know a___67___

 about it? These small animals are just 4 to 5 millimeters ( 毫 米 )

 l___68___. Their digestive system ( 消 化 系 统 ) l_____69_____ like a light. That’s why they’re also called Turritopsis nutricula ( 灯塔水母 ). Scientists f ___70___found them in the Mediterranean Sea in 1883, according to National Geographic. When scientists discovered ( 发 现 ) this, they were very s___71___ and they didn’t know much about it. When these sea animals get hurt

 in d____72____situations, they can change their cells(细胞) back to their earliest form—in other words, back to youth. The jellyfish’s cells can change into d______73______kinds of cells. Muscle cells can become sperm (精子) or eggs, or nerve cells can change into muscle cells. T_____74_____, they grow again. Scientists are still wondering h________75________this happens. Isn’t that amazing? 【答案】66. called

  67. anything

  68. long

 69. looks

  70. first

 71. surprised

  72. dangerous

  73. different

  74. Then

 75. how 【解析】



 【66 题详解】

 句意:它是一种叫做永生水母的动物。你知道这件事吗? call 动词,叫做;这里是过去分词做后置定语。the animal called the immortal jellyfish 被叫做永生水母的动物;故答案为 called。

 【67 题详解】

 句意:你知道这件事吗? 这里是一般疑问句,这里用 anything 任何东西,任何事情;用在否定和疑问句中,这里是关于这件事,你知道一些情况吗?故答案为 anything。

 【68 题详解】

 句意:这些小动物只有 4 到 5 毫米长。

 数词+long,……长;4 to 5 millimeters long4 到 5 毫米长。故答案为 long。

 【69 题详解】


 根据下文“That’s why they’re also called Turritopsis nutricula ( 灯塔水母 ).”可知,上文是说他们看起来像一盏明灯。短语 look like 看起来像……。主语是第三人称单数,谓语动词变第三人称单数。Look 的第三人称单数是 looks。故答案为 looks。

 【70 题详解】

 句意:科学家于 1883 年在地中海首次发现它们。




  the Mediterranean Sea in 1883”可知,这里是首先发现他们。这里是 first 首先,其次。故答案为 first。

 【71 题详解】


 根据下文“and they didn’t know much about it.”可知,这里是说他们感到吃惊的。surprised 形容词,吃惊的,在这里是人做主语。故答案为 surprised。

 【72 题详解】


 根据下文“they can change their cells(细胞) back to their earliest form—in other words”可知,这里是说在危险情况下受伤。in dangerous 受伤。故答案为 dangerous。

 【73 题详解】


 这里是不同种类的细胞;different+名词复数。different kinds of cells.不同种类的细胞。故答

 案为 different。

 【74 题详解】


 根据上文“Muscle cells can become sperm (精子) or eggs, or nerve cells can change into muscle cells.”可知,下文是 then 然后,故答案为 Then。

 【75 题详解】


 根据下文“Isn’t that amazing?”及上文科学家仍然想知道这是怎样发生的。这里用 how 引导的宾语从句。故答案为 how。

 【点睛】首先要阅读题干,根据句意推测需要填写的单词,然后根据首字母提示选择合适的单词,还要注意所填写的单词是否有形式变化。如:小题 6,根据题干,这里缺少形容词。根据下文“and they didn’t know much about it.”可知,这里是说他们感到吃惊的。surprised 形容词,吃惊的,在这里是人做主语。故答案为 surprised。

 学 南京市玄武区十三中集团校科利华中学 2019-2020 学年七年级下学期期中英语试题 七、首字母填空 People live in different kinds of houses in the world. Usually,

 each house has i_____61_____ own living

 room, bedroom, kitchen and b______62______. Different houses have different n___63___. What are they? Now, let’s take a look. A flat is usually in a building. There are usually many f____64____living in the same flat building. People in a flat building share the same stairs and lifts to go up and down. A townhouse has two floors. In a townhouse, the k___65___, the living room and dining room are usually on the ground floor, and the bedrooms are usually on the f___66___floor. A farmhouse is a house on a farm. There are many farmers living there. There is a large yard in f____67____ of it. There are also some “houses” for cows and hens near the farmhouse. The field is not f_____68_____from the farmhouse, so farmers always go to the field on f____69____. A dormitory is a large bedroom in a s_____70_____and every 4-8 students live in one dormitory. They live in the same bathroom, but each student has his or her own bed. Students can learn how to get along well (相处).

 【答案】61. its

  62. bathroom

  63. names

 64. families

  65. kitchen

  66. first

 67. front

  68. far

 69. foot

  70. school 【解析】


 【61 题详解】


 根据句意这里填一个代词指代房子,故用 it,又因为后面也是名词,要用形容词性物主代词,故答案为 its。

 【62 题详解】


 空格前面的名词都是房间的名称,根据一般常识房子都有客厅、卧室、厨房和洗漱间,再结合给出的首字母 b,故答案为 bathroom。

 【63 题详解】


 根据下文描述可知 a flat 公寓,a townhouse 别墅,a farmhouse 农舍,a dormitory 宿舍,这里意思是不同的房子有不同的名字叫法。name 名字,因是不同的,后面用复数形式,故答案为 names。

 【64 题详解】


 结合在公寓的人们共享电梯楼梯上下,可以知道是许多家庭都居住在同一栋公寓,有 many修饰所以用复数,故答案为 families。

 【65 题详解】


 空格后面的名词都是房间的名称,此空也要填写房间的名称再结合首字母 k,故答案为kitchen 【66 题详解】

 句意:卧室通常在 1 楼。

 前句描述厨房、客厅和餐厅通常在一楼,那么这句也是描述卧室在几楼,上文说了别墅有两层楼,再结合给出的首字母 f,那么卧室通常也在 1 楼,故答案为 first。

 【67 题详解】


 根据句义这里是介绍农舍类型,一般前面会有一个大院子。in front of 在……前面,故答案为front。

 【68 题详解】


 根据句义是牛羊的小屋是离农舍不远的。be not far from 离这儿不远,故答案为 far。

 【69 题详解】


 根据上句田地离农舍不远,那么农民去田地一般走路。固定短语 on foot,故答案为 foot。

 【70 题详解】

 句意:在学校宿舍是一个大卧室,每 4-8 个学生住一个宿舍。

 根据句义是学校里一个寝室就是一个大的卧室。再根据后文描述可知是学校。school 学校,因前面有 a,故用单数,故答案为 school。

 2019-2020 学年江苏省南京市建邺区七年级下学期英语期中试卷 New Year’s Day brings out the good in people. My wife lost her wallet after

 going s

 81 just before New Year’s Eve.

 She had

 about $150 in cash and some credit cards (信用卡) in the wallet. She

  didn’t realize it was missing until about four or five hours later. She

 couldn’t r


 where she lost the wallet. My wife stayed up all night and felt worried a


 her wallet. What would happen if s


 used her credit

 cards? And losing $150 wasn’t great, either. The next day, she went b


  to the shops that she had visited the day before and asked about her wallet. The m


 at one store came over and said, “A man turned this in

 last night. We thought you might return to l


 for it, so we kept it for you.” My

 wife looked i


 her wallet. To her joy, everything was still there, including her

 cash. She thought it was really l


 to get the wallet. She bought the store’s workers a big basket of cookies and thanked all of them. However, I think she might want to thank the s 90 person who turned in her wallet even more. I hope people can pass the kindness to others wherever they are. 答案:

 81. shopping 82. remember 83. about 84. someone/somebody 85. back

  90. special 86. manager 87. look 88. into 89. luck

 2019-2020 学年江苏省南京市南师附中江宁分校七年级下学期期中考试英语试卷 B)根据短文及首字母提示,填写所缺单词,每空一词。

 Kim is happy. She is going to talk about her favourite season. She stands in front of the class with a big b



 “Good morning, everyone!” Today, I’m going to talk about my favourite season. In this season, the weather is usually bright and s


  . The temperature outside

 is cool and the sky is blue. I often wear sweaters and scarves. On weekends, my family goes to the farm and pick apples. It is a great season for apple picking. Often, we pick five f


  bags! I usually help my mum make an


 pie. It’s


 nice. During

 this season,

 I can

 enjoy different




 leaves. They are red, orange, yellow and brown. I like to play in the leaves with my friends. How interesting it is! The class claps for Kim. But w


 is in the bag? Everyone wants to know. Kim gives a red apple to each classmate. Everyone happily takes an apple. 答案:

 83.bag 84.sunny 85.full

 86.colours/colors 87.what

 江苏省南京市鼓楼区一中 2019-2020 学年度七年级下英语期中试卷 B)根据短文内容及首字母提示,填写所缺单词。

 You’re kind and want to help others in your free time, right? Now, there is something fun for you to do and you can help others at the same time. Join us and be v__81


 Where are we going to work? Well, we don’t need to go far. We just work in the c


  centre. And we have volunteer jobs for all ages. Anyone, from twelve-year-old children to people o


  seventy years old, can be a volunteer. We can help people in many w


  . Parents need volunteers to look after children when they are b


  with work. Animal lovers can help take care of dogs and cats for our neighbours next door. The old people need someone to do some s


  for them. There is something for everyone. “As a volunteer, I don’t want to get a


  . Seeing the children’s happy faces, I’m happy, too, ” says Millie, a 25-year-old teacher. “Now I don’t play computer games any m


  . I think it is cool to t


  old people how to use computers, ” says another volunteer, 15-year-old Leon. If everyone helps out a little, we’ll have a b


  world to live in. 答案:

 77.ages 78.children 79. Dangerous 80.careful 81.volunteers 82. community 83. over 84. ways 85. busy 86. shopping 87. anything 88.more 89.teach 90.better

相关热词搜索: 南京市 江苏省 填空